Signs Your Home Has a Mold Problem
Mold is a notorious problem in many areas of the country, and the idea of mold problems in your Cedar Rapids home is enough to give anyone the “creepy-crawlies.” Literally! And it’s a sneaky contaminant that spreads easily in areas of high humidity — and Iowa ranks 6th in the nation for high average humidity. Often out of sight, mold will not only damage the structure of your home, but will also put your health at risk. If you suspect that your home in Cedar Rapids has a mold problem, it’s essential to act right away. Call MidAmerica Basement Systems today and consult with one of our Cedar Rapids foundation and waterproofing specialists. We can properly assess your home for signs of mold and moisture damage, and will suggest an effective and equitable solution for your mold problem.
Not sure what to look for, in terms of mold? Here are a few red flags:
Obvious Mold Growth
Mold sometimes develops out in the open, on walls, floors, tile, and other areas of the home. Check your hidden spaces, especially kitchens, bathrooms, and in your basement.
Musty Odors
Mysterious musty smells may indicate a mold issue, especially if it becomes more pronounced when you fire up your furnace or air conditioner.
Heightened Respiratory Problems
Some people report feeling like they have a long-term cold, or that their asthma and allergy symptoms have gotten worse. These unexplained symptoms may be due to mold in the air.
Prior Flooding
A key indicator of potential mold problems in Cedar Rapids properties is previous water damage, often due to flooding from a burst pipe, a tub or sink that once overflowed, or a chronic faucet leak. Remember that any of these could have happened before you moved in, or could have developed out of sight.
“Furry” Fabrics
Mold spores easily accumulate on soft, porous surfaces like carpets, clothing, and furniture. If you see black fuzzy spots, notice a slimy feeling, or have unexplained skin irritation, you may have a mold issue.

Even if you haven’t noticed any of these things, that doesn’t guarantee your home is mold-free. Better to get it checked out! Get in touch with MidAmerica Basement Systems in Cedar Rapids, your trusted name for waterproofing and foundation repair. Schedule your Free Estimate so we can start removing a toxic intruder from your home.